Investing in stock market is not as complicated as is generally supposed. In most cases, simply knowing a few tricks. The key you are exposed below.
Tip No. 1 – Determine why you want to invest in stocks.
Your reasons may be both numerous and very different from each other: you may want to increase your retirement capital, make an acquisition of any kind (property or otherwise), pay for higher education of your children, etc.. Anyway, you invest in the stock market to grow your initial investment, that is to say making money.
Tip No. 2 – Determine the amount you want to invest in stocks.
This is the logical continuation of what you just saw. To earn money on the stock exchange, it is mandatory that you have money to invest.
This simple fact has consequences equally logical.
• You should NEVER invest money that you may need to pay your rent, your food, your dental expenses, your holidays, your debt, building your home or buying a new car, etc.. ;
• Accordingly, you should only invest money that you do not need what you commonly call your savings, for example, money that “sleeps” in a corner, you have a Livret A and remains to grow at a variable rate but in any case very low, etc..). That and this is VERY VERY important, you should nvesting stock market as money as you can, in extreme cases, you can lose without it jeopardizes the balance of your household finances. This crucial point is clarified, now have to know how you invest in stocks.
Tip No. 3 – Determine how you want to invest in stocks.
Know how you want to invest in stocks means addressing both what kind of investor you are and what time you want to invest.
In other words, you must determine if you type “speculator trying to make a big deal quickly” type or “patient investor who can wait several years to make a profit from the benefits of its actions.
You must determine what is called your “investment horizon. Concretely, this means you need to know if, in the depths of yourself, viscerally, “In your guts,
• If you are what is generally called an investor” in the very short term “or a” speculator ” , that means “day-trader or swing-trader, it means someone who invests for a few hours or days and who withdraws from the market once its goal reached (or sometimes failed) or
• If you are an investor said “short term” or “medium term”, that is to say, if you prefer to invest for a week or two, or even a month and you withdraw from the market once you got what you were looking for or if
• You are an investor says “long term”, that is to say a person who buys one or more actions and keeps them very long, many years, sometimes decades, enjoying the passage of all benefits offered by these actions, particularly the famous “dividend”, which is actually a profit sharing company.
7 Tips in Stock Investing (Part 1) is a post from: Financial Dialogue Start